Words that start with C

kids learning
10 min readDec 9, 2021


It is the third character of the alphabet for toddlers. From Cabin to Cyber-space, discover children’s definitions for words beginning with the letter C.

the letter C

3 Letter Words:

  • C for CAP

Mass of land jutting out into the sea. Aïcha

  • C for CAT

A cat is a small feline that purrs and climbs in trees. Ludovic

It’s an animal that meows with hair.

c words for kids

  • C for RAW

The flood means that the river is overflowing.

  • C for BAT

It is a flying mammal that feeds on insects.

  • C for COQ

It is the male of the hen. It’s the rooster crowing that wakes us up!

  • C like ASS

A c … is someone who ruins our lives!

  • C for PIG

It is an animal that has a flat nose and rolls around in the mud. The pig is pink and furry. He looks like a wild boar.

  • C for OWL

The owl is a raptor that feeds on field mice, voles, mice, and other small rodents. The owl is a nocturnal animal (which lives at night), and there are different species of owls.

  • C for DOG

The dog is a household animal; it is man’s best friend.

  • C like OAK

The oak a tree of our forests. Oak has a very good fruit for wild boars: the acorn.

words from c for kids

4 Letter Words:

  • C like CACA

Poop is brown intestinal waste that comes out through the anus when you go to the bathroom.

  • C as GIFT

It is St Nicolas. You walk into the living room and see lots of presents. It’s nice! Deborah

A gift is something you give to someone. Tony

Gifts often have symbolic value. They maintain a friendship when they are little. They bring together the members of a family around the Christmas tree and delight young and old alike. They are, therefore, a bond that cements relationships within a group.

  • C like CALE

A wedge is a piece of wood that you use to wedge something.

  • C for CAME

A junkie is a drug addict.

  • C for CANE

A cane is a container to “induce” a drink.

  • C for KITE

A kite is cardboard (or other material) of any shape that flies through the air. ,A rope holds it so it does not fly off.

  • C like COUR

Space enclosed by walls or buildings. Guillaume

This is the place where we play when we are at school.

  • C for MAIL

It is a way of communicating either by an exchange of sending letters, e-mail, etc.

  • C for BELL

A bell tower is the chimney of the church.

  • C like CLAN

A clan is a group of people who only live together.

  • C for CHUT

It’s a word that teachers spend their time repeating.

  • C like CHUM

A boyfriend is a boyfriend in Quebecois.

5 Letter Words:

  • C for CADET

Cadet means the youngest. Tomas

A cadet is the last born in a family.

  • C for DECAY

Cavities are holes in the tooth that bacteria in sugar make to annoy us. But, one can prevent this action by brushing the teeth.


It is a location where you can walk without leaving your home. Noah

We say a lot “cyber” to say that it is almost in space like the internet.

  • C like BREAK

To break is a verb that means to destroy something.

  • C comme CATCH

Wrestling is a sport a bit like judo or wrestling. Adeline

Wrestling is a sport that we put in the “spectacle sports” category because it is often also a lot of stunts for false fights.

  • C like CARPE

Carp is a fish that remains in pools.

  • C for CREPE

Sweet or savory, by candlelight or in the middle of summer, it’s delicious to eat!

  • C like CHALK

Chalk is a white, yellow, blue, orange, pink, or green pencil. It is used to write on aboard.

  • C as LAYER

It’s something you put on a baby.

  • C for BUDDY

Historically, the word buddy has symbolized people sharing bread.

  • C like COBRA

It is a snake which is extremely beautiful.

  • C for ANKLE

The ankle is the wrist joint of the bottom.

  • C like Frédéric CHOPIN

Musician, composer, for piano only!

For more kids vocabulary words

  • C like CHINA

China is a large country in Asia, overpopulated and surrounded by a great wall.

  • C for PUPPY

The dog’s baby. It is a very sweet and playful animal. We have two names for ours: Twine or Rupees.

  • C for HORSE

The horse is the friend of man: you can saddle it and ride it; it can also be ridden bareback (without a saddle). There are more or less nice ones. Me, it’s my favorite animal. Eglantine

It is an extraordinary animal! It’s not just a four-legged animal.

  • C like pussy

A cat is the mother of the kitten.

  • C for SONG

A song is when we sing what comes to mind.

  • C for CAMEL

The camel is a two-humped animal.

  • C for CHAIR

A chair is an instrument for sitting down.

  • C for BRAIN

The brain helps us a lot. He’s the one who keeps you alive. It is he who tells your heart to beat. It is he who tells your stomach that you are hungry. The brain is important!

6 Letter Words:

  • C for CABANE

It is a shelter, a home, a small house.

  • C like CAFARD

Small black insect.

  • C for CAILLE

A quail is a little bird.

  • C like CARROT

A carrot is a healthy vegetable. This vegetable is orange, and it has a green tail.

  • C for CRUISE

A cruise is a sea voyage intended for tourism only.

  • C like COYOTE

A coyote looks like a smaller wolf.

  • C like COUGAR

It’s a feline.

  • C for COUPLE

If the two elements are of different sexes, they can reproduce. If the two elements are of the same sex, they love each other anyway!

  • C like PICKLE

Species of cucurbits.

  • C as SPOUSE

Life partner, husband, or wife.

  • C for COMEDY

A comedy is always funny. It looks like a theater.

  • C for COBAIN

Kurt Cobain is the grunge group “Nirvana,” who committed suicide in April 1994.

  • C like CHAUME

It’s like straw. It can be used to cover the roof of a house.

  • C for KITTEN

The kitten is the cat’s cub. He loves to play with anything. He is very cute and very naughty. He likes to play with balls of wool. I love kittens.

  • C for SINGER

A singer is a person who sings songs.

  • C for CHANEL (Gabrielle, known as Coco)

She is a fashion designer.

  • C for SQUARE

A square is a shape with four crannies. Anne

  • C for CÉDRIC

Cédric is a comic book hero.

7 Letter Words:

  • C for CALÈCHE

For romantic walks in the moonlight.

  • C for CANTINE

The dishes in our canteen are delicious. Today we ate pike dumplings with tarragon and pasta. Finally, we ate flavored yogurts.

  • C like CARACAL

It’s a little feline.

  • C like CARAMEL

Caramel is sugar that is heated to a very high temperature. It turns black, brown and it smells very good. You have to try my mom’s caramel creams!

  • C for CARAVAN

A caravan is a house that goes on vacation.

  • C for KITCHEN

The kitchen is the feminine domain par excellence.

  • C for CURIOUS

Curious, does that mean it’s weird?

  • C for PENCIL

A pencil is used to write. It’s long and thin, and it looks great.

  • C for CRAMPÉE

That’s what Clara (my girlfriend) is most of the time. It’s when we laugh so much that we have cramps.

  • C as CORSICA

Corsica, an island in the meridional of France.

  • C for COSETTE

Cosette, the heroine of a novel by Victor Hugo (1802–1885): Les Misérables.

  • C for CONTROL

A class check is to check your knowledge from the start of the term.

  • C like COLIBRI

A hummingbird is a small fly bird that flaps its wings so fast that you can’t see them.

  • C for COLLEGE

The college is a school, where there is a teacher in each subject.

  • C like CLINTON

Clinton is an American president. His name is Bill Clinton. In December 1998, he bombed Iraq.

  • C for CLAPPER

Clapper means to die.

  • C like CITHARE

The chord zither. It is a very pretty musical instrument. Claire

  • C like PUMPKIN

Pumpkins are sometimes for decoration, eating, or putting candles in them,, but most often, it is for Halloween.

  • C for SURGEON (DO)

It is the work of a specialist doctor.

Cereals are oats, wheat, corn, millet, barley, rice, buckwheat, rye, sorghum. Vincent

  • C for CHICOTER

Chicoter (Quebec expression) means that it disturbs us. Ex: This question bothers me; it worries me.

  • C for CHICANE

When someone quarrels, he is rebelling. Isabelle

Series of obstacles arranged on the road to force a zigzag course.

  • C for CHAPLIN (Charlie, said, Charlot)

Actor, filmmaker. A very big Charlie Chaplin!

  • C like CHARADE

Charades are riddles. You have to find the different syllables of a word from a given definition, and then with all these syllables, you find the word. Linda

La charlotte is a dessert made with fruit or cream and cookies softened in syrup.

  • C for CHAMOIS

The chamois is a ruminant herbivorous animal.

  • C for BEDROOM

A bedroom is a room where you do what you want, where you want when you want.

8 Letter Words:

  • C comme CABORNES

The calories are dry stone huts. Stone

The stones, removed from the fields, are piled up in scree, hence the idea of ​​recovering this material to build low walls and shelters, i.e., calories.

  • C for NOTEBOOK

A school notebook is to write down all the new words that my teacher gives us in dictation.

  • C for CALENDAR

A calendar is to see the days of the year.

  • C for CANICULA

The heatwave is when it’s super hot, and you’d better stay at home! Hugo

The sun produces intense heat. Louise

The heatwave is when it is too hot to go out before 7 p.m., except in the case of intensive tanning! Anaïs

The period of the year is normally located in summer and particularly in August.


Cantaloupe is a very good melon. Its flesh is pale orange, and its peel is prickly. It is a juicy and tender fruit.

  • C for CAPUCINE

For Mother’s Day at school, we grow dwarf nasturtiums, but they are already 20 cm high. Dinah

This is the name of a very pretty flower which also serves as a first name.

  • C like CAPYBARA

A sort of tapir.

  • C for CARNIVAL

Period of the calendar from Epiphany to Ash Wednesday. From a secular point of view, this term also designates all the festive events taking place on this day.

  • C like CAROLINE

Caroline is the writing of the time at the Carolingians.

  • C for COURTOIS

He is polite, respectful to other people.

  • C for COMBINE

It’s a little song or a little text! Amin

  • C for CONCERTO

The Concerto is a musical work in which the orchestra alternates with a solo instrument or a group of solo instruments.

  • C for CATHOLIC

Catholic, is my religion and that of many people.

  • C like COCA-COLA

Brown-black liquid with lots of little bubbles in it, gas. It makes you burp when the gas goes up. We feel a little tingling in the nose. My science teacher says that ,there are about the equivalent of 24 lumps of sugar in a liter of Coke.

  • C for CHESTNUT

It is a tree from temperate regions. Its fruit is the chestnut.

  • C for CHENILLE

It is the baby of the butterfly.

  • C for PERCH CAT

A-game. The cat is the one who must catch us, and we must run so that it does not catch us … Maximilien

When the cat touches us, we are the cat.

  • C for MUSHROOM

A vegetable that everyone hates (except me, maybe).

9 Letter Words:


Callipyge, adjective — who has a beautiful butt!

  • C like CANNIBALE

A cannibal is someone who eats men.


It’s vegetables. My mom puts them on the table at Christmas, and I’m the one who eats them all.

  • C like CROCODILE

The crocodile is a large reptile and lives in rivers in warm regions. The crocodile has large teeth which are used to tear meat.

  • C for COUTURIER (E)

He’s a person who makes clothes.


It is a device for hatching eggs when there is no hen!


Communism is a political regime where all men share their property, whether poor or rich.

  • C for GUINEA PIG

Small rodents are also called guinea pigs.


A nightmare is a very unpleasant dream. We wake up suddenly. We want to talk to our parents because we are afraid of images. Hugo

A nightmare is a dream that ends badly.




A cigarette is something about 4 centimeters long, which ruins health and is filled with tobacco. We suck it in from one end, and it fills the lungs with tar.


Gourmet confectionery is very popular with children and adults. Chocolate is made from cocoa rich in magnesium.


Chimpanzees are apes; they look a bit like gorillas. When you make faces at them, they show their buttocks; it’s very funny.

  • C like CETACEANS

Cetaceans are marine mammals.

10 Letter Words:


It’s a game where you have to hide, and the other player isn’t looking. Then he has to find us. It’s funny.


Kind of parakeet with a crest on the head and a red dot on the cheek.


Who helps the poor.


A shoemaker is a craftsman who repairs shoes and other leather goods.


Compassion is feeling pity for someone.


If we paid each other a compliment every day, our world would be a better place.


It is a small red insect with black spots.


A clementine is an orange fruit.


The chinchilla is a small nocturnal rodent.


Candlemas is celebrated on February 2. It’s the day we make pancakes.

11 Letter Word:


Criminology is the examine of perpetrators and crimes.


It’s Ron Weasley’s owl in Harry Potter!


Concomitant: Which occurs at the same time.

12 Letter Words:


A super cute dog. It’s very rare, but it’s super cute!


It’s when your poop doesn’t want to come out, and you force it and force it.

13 Letter Words:


Marauder’s Map (Harry Potter): Map of Hogwarts College showing its secret passages and the people moving around the castle by writing their names.


It means understanding someone or helping them, or just listening to someone who needs it.

19 Letter Words:


It means using cinema.



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