Words That Begin With U For Kids

kids learning
2 min readFeb 1, 2023

U is the twenty-first character of the alphabet for kids. From Ufology to Utopia, discover children’s definitions for words beginning with the letter U.

  • U for UFOLOGY

A science that studies UFOs. Hugo

  • U as ULYSSES

Odysseus is a hero of Greek mythology, invented by Homer. He participated in the Trojan War, and when it ended, he returned home to Ithaca. Lena

words that start with u for kids
  • U for UNIQUE

It means that no one is the same. Melanie


Great school, where you learn a lot and think a lot. Karine

  • U as URANUS

Uranus is earth in the solar arrangement. Anne

  • U for URBAN

Urban is the opposite of rural. Urban is the city. While rural in the countryside.

u words for kids

U Words For kids


An emergency is when you are seriously injured and go to the hospital. Leon

An emergency is when you have to do something before everything else. Ali


This is the reaction to an allergy. You may have hives if you eat strawberries and are allergic to strawberries. Emilia

  • U as USER

A user is a human who uses an object, a proposed service. Fabrice

  • U for FACTORY

It’s a place where you make things. Thomas

  • U for USEFUL

To make oneself useful is to render service, for example. Max

  • U as UTOPIAN

Any idea, any project considered unfeasible, chimerical.



kids learning

Kids learning is a 2D & 3D animated channel, which provides videos for kids to learn English, through learning Videos for kids.