Learn Vocabulary Words That Start With I For Kids

kids learning


I am the ninth character of the alphabet for toddlers. From Ibid to Iterative, discover children’s definitions for words beginning with the letter I.

  • I like IBID

Ibid or idem, it’s the same thing. Johann

  • I like ICOSAGON

An icosagon is a shape with twenty angles. Ethan

  • I like IDIOT

An idiot is not an intelligent person. Lea

  • I come IGLOO

The igloo is a dwelling. It was made from blocks of snow. On the top, there was a hole through which the smoke from the fire escaped. The igloos were built in cold countries, where there is a lot of snow. Jeans

  • I like ILE

An island is a small expanse of sand in the middle of a body of water. Learn Kids vocabulary Words For beginners.

  • I like ILOT

An islet is like a small island. Sometimes, we also say an island of houses, and it is a group of houses. Jeanne

  • I like IMAGE

It is something that does not move. Ishmael


It’s something that we create for ourselves, that we invent in our heads. We imagine. Noah

Imagination is when we are listening to our teacher, then we think of lots of other things !!! Hugo

  • I like to IMAGINE

It’s thinking, using your brains! Louise

Words that start with letter i

  • I like IMBECILE

A fool is an intelligent being who ignores him. Margot

  • I like IMMIGRANT

An immigrant is someone who comes from another country. Joel

  • I like IMPALA

An impala is an antelope with very beautiful horns. Laura

  • I like PRINTER

It is a machine that writes or draws on a sheet. Guillaume

  • I like INANIMATE

It is lifeless, and it does not move. Gabriel


He is someone who does not respect others and is therefore not nice. It’s not very polite, and I find it means. Anne

  • I like ESSENTIAL

In life, there are often things or people that are indispensable, like our parents, our friends. Juliet

Kids learning

  • I like INDONESIA

Indonesia is a country of over 13,000 islands … Gabriel

  • I like INFINITE

For me, infinity is something impossible to achieve. Clara


Information is information that makes it possible to know what is going on. Cynthia

The news is on TV. Mickaël

  • I like CONCERN

To be worried is to be afraid of someone or something. Rachel

  • I like INSOLENCE

Insolence is arrogance. It’s when you answer a grown-up person with an ironic, mocking air.

For me, insolence is, for example, when you answer teachers, your parents. Ursula

Insolence is a means of expression that does not respect conventions and decorum. Elie


An instrument is used to make music, and an instrument is fragile and precious. There are strings, percussion, etc. Melanie

  • I like INTELLO

An intellectual or an intellectual is a person who succeeds in all subjects, well almost. Amber

An intellectual is someone who uses his head. Valere

  • I like FORBIDDEN

Prohibiting is forcing people not to do something. Emilie

Forbidden is something that we do not have the right to do. Manon

  • I like INTERNET

Internet is a huge network of information, interactive activities, etc. David

It’s a way to discover and learn lots of new things. Married

L character words

  • I like useless

Which is useless. Magalie

  • I comme INVASION

An invasion is the arrival of things. Frank


An inventor is someone who invents a device. Thomas

  • I like IOULER

To flow is to sing the Tyrolean style. Amir

  • I like IRAQ or IRAK

It is a country located in the Middle East. Aicha

  • I like IROQUOIS

An Iroquois is an Indian. Olivier

  • I like ITERATIVE

An iterative action is an action that is repeated. Ali



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