Easy words that start with p for kids | Kids Learning ideas

kids learning
15 min readJul 5, 2022


Words that start with p

The puck, a disc of varying diameter and thickness, is used in games. Zoe

P for palette

A palette is an object where you mix paint. Jessy

P for palm tree

It is a tree. Its fruit is coconut. Paquito

P for pamphlet

A pamphlet means someone who says something against someone.

You may also like: words that start with p

p words

p words

P or pan

Pan was a Greek god; he fell in love with arcadia. Another goddess transformed this into a reed. In this reed, pan cut a flute. As he was very sad, he played this instrument to express his sadness. This instrument is called the pan flute. Hugo

P for panacea

In mythology, the panacea was the daughter of the roman God of medicine (Aesculapius). This name was applied to the remedy considered in its broadest sense. This is how the word panacea, a proper name, became a common name. Fanny

P like panda

A panda is a bit like a bear in black and white. As it is endangered, it serves as an emblem for those who want to protect wild animals. Bao

P for panton

A panettone is a small basket where the baker puts the dough. Adeline

F Words For kids

P for basket

It is a large basket with a handle or its contents. Example: a basket of laundry. Thierry

P for panel

Road signs in France are classified by family (obligations, prohibitions, etc.). Gwennaël

P for passage

Grooming: animal grooming. Pedro

P for panther

A panther is like a tiger, except it’s black! Thomas

A panther is a carnivorous mammal of the feline family. Nordine

P for pantin

A puppet is like a puppet. Elise

P for pantoute

All are “not at all.” when I don’t want it at all, and I don’t want it all! Lisa

P for papa

Dad is the one who takes care of and takes care of us. Juliette

He’s the one who made us. Josephine

Learn F Words For kids

P as pope

The pope is a religious leader of the Christian religion. He loves God and does everything so that there is no more evil on earth. Sara

He is the governor of all Christians. Rose

He is the supreme head of the roman catholic church. Louis

P for paper

Paper is made from wood fibres. Francois

P for butterfly

Butterflies are little insects that tickle us. They are often there in the spring. They are of all kinds of colors!!!! Natalie

The butterfly is a small insect with large, colourful wings. We can watch these insects during the spring. Before being an insect, it is a silkworm. Rebeca

P like easter

The Festival is located between March 22 and April 25. Victor

P for perfume

Perfume is a liquid that smells good and that women put on to go out. Nafissatou

P like Paris

Paris is the principal of France: it is the largest city. Cyril

P for parliament

Parliament is the national assembly where laws are made. Noah

P for parquet

A parquet is a floor covered with assembled wooden slats. Amelie

Kids F Words

P for going

To leave means to go somewhere. Example: I am going on vacation this year. Tom

P comme “patapouille.”

Term for a paste that is applied to the hair to eliminate lice. Which comes from pâte à pouilleux. Joannie

P for potato

A potato is a vegetable that grows on earth. We must not be mistaken because there is also the potato which looks very similar to him. The potato is a red or pink colour. Claudia

Vegetables are very good for fondue, a raclette, etc. Jeans

P for dough

Salt dough is for playing. You must not eat it. You need flour, water, and salt anyway !!! Magalie

P for Chinese paté

Chinese pâté is a dish that is eaten in Quebec and not in china !! This is done with ground meat, mash, and corn kernels. At the bottom, we put the meat, then the mash, and above the corn. We eat it with ketchup. I love this. Lea

P for peasant

A peasant is a farmer. Mauritius

P as pc

Minor race computer! Long live the macs! Ségolène

It’s a machine that everyone has that not everyone understands. Vincent

P for skin

The skin is what covers the body. Some fruits and vegetables have skin that is removed to eat them. Doris

P for paedophile

A paedophile is a man who assaults children. Agathe

Now to be a paedophile is to attack children, but in the etymological sense, it means “who likes children.” benedict

Simple F Words For kids

P for plush

A soft toy is like a soft toy. Daniel

It’s a fabric that looks like an animal. Anthony

It’s a fabric that looks like fur. Stanley

A teddy bear is a teddy bear. Anne

P for perdition

We can say a sinking ship as in the race of the globe! François

In my opinion, it may be losing something. Married

P for father

A father raises us and loves us, even if he is not our real father. Clotilde

P for Santa Claus

Santa Claus is a big red man with a white beard who brings gifts to good children, and he walks with his reindeer. Antoine

Father Christmas is an old man who is very well known. Pascale

Every night from December 24 to 25, he brings lots of gifts to good children. He lives in a country that nobody knows except him, his mother, Christmas (his wife), and all the little elves.

They make all the toys that will arrive in children. Laurent

Santa Claus is dressed all in red, he has a big white beard and a red cap with a white pompom, and he has boots on his feet, he is very nice. He has reindeer that take him to the sky and drop him off in front of the chimneys of the houses. Basically, Santa Claus is awesome. Lois

Santa Claus is a magical person who makes children dream. It is the symbol of Christmas. Without him, children and adults could not have a gift. Sophie

It also represents the three wise men who brought the gifts to Jesus, the son of God. It symbolizes a religious holiday.

F Words For Toddlers

P for permit

When something is allowed, we have the right to do it. Amaury

The “driving license” is a document that gives people the right to drive a car! Laure

P like Peru

Peru is a country in South America. Louis

P for perspicacity

Someone who is insightful is someone who can guess a little by thinking about what he already knows. Claire

P like peseta

Pesetas are the old spanish currency. Rodrigo

P for petanque

Pétanque is like bowling. You have to throw your boule as close as possible to the “jack” (a kind of very small ball). Katia

P like father

Farting on fire means laughing, being playful, etc. It’s more of a familiar expression. Daphné

To fart is to show off! Vincent

P for petit

A small person or small thing. Monique

P for a little prince

It’s a story by Antoine de saint exupéry about a little boy who arrives in the desert. Tomas

P for fear

Example: I’m afraid of the dark. We can be afraid of ghosts, thieves, etc. Pierre

Fear is something you fear. For example, I’m afraid of spiders, and when I see one, I scream, I can’t touch it. Roxanne

A strong emotion that one feels when one is faced with danger, a threat. I thought I was dying of fear! Gaelle

Kids were learning F Words

P for phacochère

A warthog is a kind of wild boar. He lives in Africa. Catherine

P for phase

The stick insect is harmless. Lucy

P for philately

From the Greek philos (friend) and atelier (franking), it is, therefore, the art of being interested in postage stamps. Monique

P for philodendron

A philodendron is a tropical plant. Sandra

P for photography

“the definition of the word” photography “can be translated as:” to write with light. “Rachel

P comme plan

The piano is a keyboard and string instrument. Hugo

It’s my favorite instrument! Louise

A piano is a stringed musical instrument. It has a very nice sound. Thomas

A piano usually has 88 notes. There are black and white. Franck

P for Picasso

Pablo Picasso is a 20th-century painter. Anais

P as part

A coin is a lot of different things: a coin, a play, a part of a car, plane, or boat. Claude

In general, a piece is part of a set. Like the pieces of a puzzle, for example. Léo

A room is a room in the house: a bathroom, a kitchen, or a bedroom. Filbert

P for foot

Part of the body where you put your shoes on (and which can stink). Mathilde

P for pieride du chou

It’s a white butterfly! Norbert

P for aiguille

The aiguille is an oar for the flat. Thierry

P as pill

A pill is a pill to cure headaches, etc. Remy

A pill can be medicine in the form of capsules or pills. Denise

It can also be a contraceptive for girls to avoid getting pregnant. Mélissa

Familiarly, and on a sporting level, a pill is synonymous with beating and defeat. Max

Common F Words For kids

P for penguin

It is a bird living at the north pole. Lucie

The penguin is a web-footed seabird. Tony

P for Pinocchio

It is a wooden puppet that has a nose that lengthens when it lies. Stan

P for Pinson

The finch is a small bird that lives in tropical forests. He can be domestic. It is brightly colored, such as orange, red, and sometimes yellow. Its main color is brown and gray. Marie Jose

P for pipe

A manufactured object that is used for smoking. Katherine

P for pipi

It is a word used by babies that means “urine.” Guillaume

P for picnic

Two or more people are going to eat and have fun together. Janine

A picnic is a small meal eaten outdoors. We find this notion of smallness in its etymology. Jeans

P for pool

A swimming pool is a place where there is water for swimming. You can take swimming lessons with a lifeguard for those who cannot swim. Delilah

P for pitching

To pit on the computer means to correspond by computer. Isa

P for picture

In my opinion, the word picturesque means very beautiful: a picturesque setting. Amandine

P for later

Chat with friends !! Rayan

Easy F Words For kids

P for plain

Plain: a large expanse of flat land, where the watercourses are at the same level. Wendy

P for pleasure

Pleasure is when you laugh, and you have fun, you have fun. Ophelia

P for plan

There are several kinds of shots:

- overall shot: which shows all the scenery

- medium shot: which shows one or more full-length characters

- American shot: where the character is framed at mid-thigh

- close-up: where the character is framed at waist or chest height

- close-up: showing a face or an object. Camille

P for planet

It is a star that revolves around the sun. Guillaume

A planet is a ball that revolves around the sun like the earth, Mars, and Jupiter. Ludivine

I have something to remember about the nine planets. This sentence: an old man, you threw me on a new planet.

P for plant

A plant is something that smells very, very, very good !!!!! Kikou

The plant takes all the appearances in the field of vegetation: the tree, the flower, the vegetable, etc. Danielle

P for planter

It is to have sown a seed in a greenhouse, then transplanted it into a garden. Then we water and take care of it. Valeria

It’s making a hole and putting the plant you have chosen in the hole. Audrey

It’s putting a germinated plant in the ground. Ines

P for plate

The flat is a boat. Didier

P for PlayStation

It’s a sony console, and it’s great !!! Anthony

Playstation: home console created by Sony. Dominica

Words From F

P for pleonasm

Pleonasm: something that repeats itself. Ex: a bouncing ball (the jump is a pleonasm because it is repeated). Christopher

A pleonasm consists of saying the same thing with two words: going down to the bottom and going up to the top (since vice versa). Married

P for rain

Rain is full of small drops of water falling from the clouds! Simon

P like pluto

Pluto is the ninth earth in our solar organization. Annie

P for poetry

Poetry is a very cute little poem. This is what we learn at school. Angélique

Art of writing (often in verse) by expressing feelings through the rhythm of sentences. Julien

Poetry is like a song that is told. Fran

Poetry is like a poem, and it’s a beautiful story that makes you dream. Romy

P for poet

A poet is a unique being. Alain

Who only thinks in verse and writes only in music. Boris

P come pogo

Pogo is a “dance” … When there is a good big rock, everyone jumps in all directions and bumps into it … It’s sometimes violent, but it’s quite a nice contact level. Gaspard

It’s a crowd movement. Lisbet pogo

It is a form of dance, and it is especially for rock and hard rock concerts. Belinda

P like pogo ball

It is a ball held in the middle by a plastic circle. The game consists of jumping with both feet on the plastic circle and squeezing the ball between your feet. This is very fun. Victor

P for point of view

A point of view is an opinion, what we think about such and such things.

P for pear

Pear is a delicious fruit. Amir

P for fish

A fish is a small animal that lives in water. Thomas

P for pokémon

Pokemon are like animals, but they have powers. Mohammed

A pokemon is an imaginary Japanese creature whose vocabulary only comes from its own name. Basile

A pokemon is, for example, Pikachu Raichu. Annabelle

Pokemon are creatures from outer space. They landed on earth, and they were in a kind of vessel called the moonstone. Pokemon have all kinds of powers: they are creatures. Boris

F Words list For kids

P for polemic

It is a debate of different ideas where people express themselves quite vividly. The subject of discussion is often heated. Anatole

Controversy is a behavioral habit that consists in systematically thwarting the opinion of others for the simple perverse pleasure of an oratorical joust. Jeans

P for politesse

This is what I was taught when I was little: hello, goodbye, thank you, please … And today I am polite thanks to all these words. Medhi

Politeness is respect for someone. Prisca

Politeness is, in the first place, good manners. It knows how to talk to others without demeaning them with discriminating words. Respect others so that they, in return, can respect us. Marie-eve

P for policy

Etymologically, it is the organization of the city, and it is what relates to our society’s choices. Boris

Politics is a group of people who rule above the inhabitants to make decisions, talk with other countries, ask for taxes, to organize events like the world cup. They do everything to make people happy, but sometimes they cheat by taking money. Nour

Politics means that we vote.

This is the way of governing a country and of having relations with other countries. Fanny

P for polygon

In math (calculus subject at school), it’s symmetry. [it is a geometric figure with several angles, therefore several sides] aîcha

A convex polygon is a polygon retracted towards the outside. A polygon is solid with at least four sides. When it is concave, it is returned inwards. Randall

P for polymerization

I have my 7½-year-old brother who loves yugi-yo cartoons, and while playing, I heard him say he was polymerizing. When I requested him what that meant, he described to me that it was bringing low-level “things” together to get something much more powerful! Jacques

kids learning F Words For kids

P for apple

An apple is a fruit. Its color may be yellow, red, or green. Carol

P for apple

Tree, where a fruit (the apple) falls, and we eat it.

P for Pompeii

Pompeii is an old town in Italy, where a volcano exploded a long time ago. The inhabitants were invaded by ashes and died of suffocation. Afterward, we found bodies in the ashes and art objects. Brice

It was a roman city that was destroyed by a volcano. Laurence

P for firefighter

The firefighter intervenes when there is a fire. Celestial

P for pony

A pony is a small horse that measures less than 1m48. Océane

P for bin

A trash can is a bin where you put the waste. Ethan

The word “trash” comes from the name of a prefect of Paris from 1883 to 1896 who had installed a system of boxes to collect garbage. Juliet

F words

P for poucave

Poucave is to denounce, report, repeat. A poucave or a poucave is a protractor. Fabrice

P for poule

The hen is the woman of the chanticleer and the mother of the chick. Ariane

It is a farmyard bird, with a small crest, with short wings. Jérôme

The hen eats wheat and lives in a cabin. Rock

P for stroller

It is a contraption which we put young children in it. Julie

P for chick

The chick is the son of the rooster and the hen. Thomas

It is the little one of the hen. Did you know that the chick’s down is yellow or gray? Frank

It’s the little animal that comes out of the egg when it hatches. Muriel

The chick is an animal that is the baby of a hen. Ariadne

F words learn

P for poutine

A typical Quebecois dish! It’s a mix of fries, cheese, and bbq sauce. A little history: poutine was invented in the 1940s in Drummondville! If you’re not from Quebec, don’t miss this! Noah

Mets of Quebec origin, made with cheese, french fries, and sauce. This is delicious. Titia

P for power

“to want is to can.” these resources show that if you truly want something, you can achieve it. Marc

P for praline

A praline is a sweetness of pink or caramel color. Each time it is a treat for young and old gourmets. To fart

P for sample

To take is to take something. Ishmael

P as first

First, it is something that means that we are always in front of others. Marc-Antoine

P as the first name

A first name is a thing that belongs to us the most. And it is beautiful! Imène

A first name is to say what we call ourselves. Clément

A first name is a marc, amel, or Sonia. Lassana

My mom chose my first name! Issa

Simple Easy F Words For toddlers

P as condom

A condom is something that you put on the penis during sex to avoid catching sexually transmitted diseases like aids. Joe

P as president

The president of the republic is the man, chosen by the people (thanks to the election), who will have to make the choices among all the proposals made to him. Members make these proposals to the government. François

A man or a woman who rules France. Claire

P like prince

A prince is the son of a king or a queen. Victor

P as teacher

He is a more or less sympathetic person who teaches us maths, french, etc. Zoe

A teacher is as if we were a field, and the teacher sowed knowledge in it. Kenza

P for program

A program is computer software that has been programmed with very clever codes. Guillaume

P for pronoun

A pronoun can be: I, you, he, she, we, we, you, they, they. Fanny

The pronouns are i — you — he — she — they are pronouns. Thomas,

P for propaganda

Propaganda is when you want to make all people think the same. Said especially for politics. Manel

P for prostitute

It’s a woman who works in the street and who sleeps with the guys to be paid by the guy. Daniela

Easy F Words For children

P for protected

A proteus is a small prehistoric pink animal that lives at the bottom of caves. He learned to live behind the rocks. Clementine

P for protein

Proteins are molecules like vitamins, except that they do not have the same function in the body. Hugo

P as protestant

A person is distinguished from Catholics by a vision of God different from theirs. It is a belief in its own right! Julian

P as protozoal

Protozoa is a unicellular microorganism of the order of the ciliates. Youssou

P for Provence

Region located in the south of France. Aaron

P for psychanalyst

The psychoanalyst is a psychologist or a psychiatrist who does psychoanalysis. Christian

P for psychiatric

A psychiatrist treats “serious” psychiatric illnesses therapeutically, that is to say, with drugs. Dylan

To be a psychiatrist, you have to do many years of medicine. Fabrice

P for psychologist

When we see a psychologist, he listens to the patient talk; he tries as much as possible not to advise on life but rather to explain things by finding reasons for the general behavior. Tom

P for advertising

Advertising uses means to make itself known to the public and to better sell products, like cans of detergents.

This is when you go to do your passion when you watch tv !!! Maxim

P like punk

Punks often have multiple piercings, hair of all kinds of colors, bracelets, and necklaces with metal spikes affixed to them. Elsa

Their clothes are often torn, dark clothes, and their style is a bit gothic. Dimitri

Easy F Words For toddlers

P for pur

In my opinion, it means without prefabricated elements, like air and sky. Angie

P for puree

The mash is made from mashed and cooked potatoes, and you can eat it. Paul

P for puzzle

The puzzle is a game where you have to rebuild the game pieces. Nadia

A puzzle is a game that contains several pieces that you have to put together to make a drawing. Anais

P for pyramid

It was reliable that a special abode awaited the souls of deceased rulers in the hereafter. Indeed, the pharaohs and the power rested in particularly imposing tombs while the poor were buried on the ground. Clélia

A pyramid with a three-way base is called a tetrahedron. Jarod

P for pyromania

An arsonist is someone who sets a flame on forests.

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kids learning

Written by kids learning

Kids learning is a 2D & 3D animated channel, which provides videos for kids to learn English, through learning Videos for kids.

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