Benefits Of Marriage in 2020 | Sunnah Of Marriage & Its Amazing Benefits

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God bless

Allah looks around you look at the amazing creation of Allah Azza WA JAL around you look at the laws. that allows behind what Allah governs his creation with as human beings. we need food and drink to survive. we need air to breathe we need a proper shelter to protect ourselves likewise as human beings. we need relationships in the form of family and friends to survive.

we are not a creation. that to live in solitude as our maker states. In the noble Quran ya Johanna, so in Kalapana a comedic adam. Sean in any tower for in a Croma coup mind along he at spoken in Nam on honeymoon hobby year o mankind. we have created you from a male and a female. and we have made you into nations and tribes so that you may know one another indeed. the noblest of you in the sight of Allah is the most righteous of you indeed. Allah is all-knowing all aware are the powerful and beloved makers. also states in the noble for a one in arte and voila Panik.

God gives bless for human

You mean a forsaken as Y Jenny Toscano Elena ha Lita school o la Jara John a Boehner Kuma. the town wok Hmong in Fe the Niccola hands in Livonia topic um on and from his signs. he created for you spouses and mates from amongst yourselves. so that you may find tranquility by them. he has placed between you affection and mercy well II in that are signs for a people. who reflected my dear brothers and sisters Islam.

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pause for a moment to reflect our powerful maker. if he had the world he could have created us with no need at all towards a mate or a spouse. he could have created us like certain unicellular organisms and made us reproduce. the need for a mate or a partner out of his infinite power and wisdom. he created us in pairs as he states one meal, Conley. In Halle pond, Azam Janie now and I come to the commune and of everything. we have created pairs so that you may remember ie remember the grace of Allah Subhana WA Ta’ala from this.


We understand that marriage is one of Allah Azza’s Wajal laws. one of the laws of Allah Subhanahu Wata’ala as well as a great and beautiful. Sunnah of our beloved prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihe Wa Aalihi a sender. I am sure most of you must have already guessed it is going to be about the beautiful Sunna of Nika.

the beautiful Sunna of marriage the blessed bond of marriage is something. that holds a position of Perpetual significance because of the pivotal role. it plays in human being’s life the pure teachings. Islam encourages marriage and discourages monasticism in one narration. the prophet Sallallahu Alayhi wa Sallam is reported to have said in the knee a lamb. I like a figure whose 1 for will army in the F sharp. only learn you up for the público duty monasticism has not been enjoined. you do not have a role model a beautiful role model in me. the narration goes these words.

New Marriage

Allah I fear Allah and I stay away from his boundaries. more than any of you look at the words of the prophet Sallallahu Alayhi wa salam. the Prophet peace be upon him is also reported to have said and the narration. has been recorded in the book of imam Bukhari and imam Muslim. whom Allah the narration goes along these words indeed. I swear by Allah I fear Allah and I am conscious of Allah better. than any of you yet I passed some days and break my fast on others.

I pray part of the night and sleep a part of the night and I marry women. anyone who dislikes my Sunnah is not a follower of me. we are all familiar with the famous narration of the Prophet. sallallahu Alayhi Wa Sallam when he addresses youth. this narration is recorded in Bukhari and Muslim yah masha’Allah. the forum income will be at the pinatas of which but in Nam who are vaudeville in Basel. were axonal in French woman lamb yes Katya for I lay. it is sown in a hula movie German or youth those among you who can afford marriage should do so for it lowers.

Marriage quotes

The gaze and guards the private parts component and those who cannot afford it. it should fast for fasting is like a shield ie it suppresses the desire of an individual and protects him . which is haram alhamdulillah now that we have established. marriage is one of the laws of Allah Azza Wa Jal governing mankind as well as a great Sunnah of our beloved.

Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Alayhi Wa Sallam it is sure to have many. many virtues and advantages attached. so let’s discuss a few of them. the list is the preservation of one’s faith and the preservation of one’s faith and religion. righteous spouse is considered a ticket to paradise is considered. a ticket to Jenna righteous spouse’s help and assist one another in pleasing. Allah obeying Allah and staying away from that. which displeases Allah as rejecting the Prophet peace be upon him. It is reported to have said mother along with him the iron my upgrading for yet the Fela official Elva.

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Love important

when Allah Subhanallah dialog grants an individual a righteous wife. he has helped him to preserve or safeguard half of his Deen. let him them fear and be conscious of Allah Azza Wa Jal on the other half of his deal. the next virtue in line is the preservation of one’s chastity and purity. we men it is part of our fitra our natural disposition that we have a desire for women. And women have a desire for men the devil sees as this opportunity to entice us.

The seduces us with the opposite gender. A married individual has a quick means of protection. the seductions and the snares of the devil for after all. what on earth can a woman have that his wife does not already have? the next virtue on the list is that the two spouses enjoy love mercy and security love. mercy are important sentiments that brighten an individual’s life. Allah Azza Wa Jal states in the worst. I read earlier Roger I’ll a bayonet wound more death Anwar Bahama that he has placed love. mercy passion and compassion between the two spouses. he also states in another place horn le Bassin Lakum.

Marriage love felling

They are a garment for you and you are a garment for them.there is this wonderful feeling of closeness and intimacy. only savored and enjoyed by a married couple. the final virtue that we touch on is lawful fulfillment. one’s desires as I stated earlier our maker has instilled in us the desire for the opposite gender.

this desire can in unlawful ways which would bring about disastrous. effects upon the individual as well as societies at large but. the favors of our Lord is that he provided for us with marriage a lawful. Avenue for renting out our desires our beautiful religion. the only religion that considers even. the sexual relationship between two spouses a form of Avada a form of worship. this amazing narration were some of the companions of the Prophet Sallallahu eyelids.

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Source: Pak Marriage Bureau



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